"Just buy it!"
Diana and I were at a cocktail party in High Point, North Carolina, home of the largest home-furnishings market in the world. Gathered around us was a raucous crowd of designers and merchants. It was the end of an exhausting day of seminars and sales pitches, and folks were celebrating with a drink – or two or three.
Some had overheard us talking about buying a new rug, and suddenly the crowd wanted to weigh in on our decision. "Buy it! Buy it! Buy it!" it chanted in unison, louder and louder.
That kind of spending mania is common at High Point. With over ten million square feet of new furniture showrooms, High Point's twice-a-year shows attract tens of thousands of furniture and design professionals from all over the world. Think of it as the Super Bowl of furniture: flashy displays, flamboyant fans, and frenzied parties.
Diana and I were there to scout out new trends in interior design and to buy accessories, art and lamps for our stores. Then, during one expedition, we stumbled over a vibrant blue and grey rug that seemed to me absolutely perfect for our home.
To buy or not to buy? That became the question of the day. The rug was gorgeous, to be sure. But would it fit with our decor?
I was convinced. This was the rug of our dreams. Diana was adamant. The rug would not work in our home. We were still debating when we stopped by the cocktail party, and suddenly the question sloshed over the crowd. (Or did the sloshed crowd join our debate?)
"Diana won't let me make design decisions because I was an English major in college," I announced in a bid for the sympathy vote. The crowd jeered. "Here's to English majors," a woman in the back called out, raising her margarita. "Let him buy the rug!" a man shouted.
"The rug is grey," Diana said. "Our house is beige."
The crowd fell silent. Diana continued. The kitchen countertops, the cabinets, the stair runner are beige, she said. All the expensive fixed components of the home we'd bought were beige. Though stunning, the new rug would require a drastic and costly overhaul of the design.
Slowly, the crowd dispersed, sadly shaking their heads at my stupidity. Of course, the rug would clash. "Listen to your wife, Jay," the margarita-swilling woman said, handing me her empty glass. "What were you thinking, man?" someone else tossed over their shoulder as they left.
We left the convention rugless and, boy, was that a good decision.
At FCG, you'll never have to worry about being pressured into furniture folly. Just buy it? Sometimes, the answer should be "no." If it's a major design decision, consider getting an expert opinion from a designer.
Our three stores have design experts who will be happy to work with your vision for your home – and, just as importantly, your budget. We understand that sometimes the purchases you don't make are smartest ones of all.