Furniture Spotlight by Furniture Consignment Gallery

American Drew Bedroom Set "Deal of the Week"

Posted by Jay Frucci on Fri, February 17, 2012 @ 09: 59 PM
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Bedroom furniture is expensive! That is why many newly wed couples choose to take their wedding gift money and make their first major investment in  bedroom furniture. Many of the big box furniture stores have made master bedroom furniture more affordable, but have also compromised on quality to get the prices lower.

This circa 1980s Cherry bedroom set from American Drew is an excellent price and has many pieces. uimg 8702it has a Queen bed, Tall chest, Ladies dresser and a nightstand. The drawers are all dove tailed and the tops are solid cherry. The drawers are decorated with very nice brass hardware.

This set is great for a copuple just starting out, for a vacation home or for a teenager who has outgrown their childhood furniture.




Topics: American Made, Boston Consignment Furniture, American Drew