Furniture Spotlight by Furniture Consignment Gallery

Hitchcock Cherry Dining Set

Posted by Jay Frucci on Sat, November 19, 2011 @ 06: 50 AM

uimg 9478Hitchcock Furniture Company was one of the more versatile furniture makers the American marketplace has ever seen. Their specialty was making quality colonial style chairs. They differentiated themselves in the marketplace by coloring and stenciling. Their products gained tremendous momentum and popularity in the 1970s. Everybody wanted a Hitchcock bench or chair in their home. Most popular was the black and maple with stenciling.

In it's later years, Hitchcock began to transition into the mainstream. As the colonial style fell out of favor in the 1990s, Hitchcock began producing high quality cherry Queen Ann furniture. This particular set includes the table, 6 chairs and 2 leaves. It is an excellent deal at $999 and that is why it is our Deal of the Week. Watch the video and watch for other great deals like this at our Hanover Furniture Consignment Gallery and our newest Furniture Consignment Shop serving Wellesley, Weston, and Newton, MA.

You can find pre-owned Hitchcock Furniture on consignment in our stores at all times. Hitchcok is also back in business with new owners and that is great news for all who appreciate fine quality American made furniture.

Topics: Hitchcock Chair Co., Dining Room Set, Pre-owned Hitchcock