Furniture Spotlight by Furniture Consignment Gallery

Back to School Desks and Bookcases

Posted by Jay Frucci on Sat, August 25, 2012 @ 03: 50 PM

It's that time again! The time when life speeds up, the days get a little shorter and as a result you can't make it to the beach any more.


The result is that the renewed heat and humidity that hit the Northeast this week, doesn't feel as good as it felt when your feet were in the sand a few short weeks ago. But there is good news with this time of the year!

You no longer have to play entertainer to your kids. Our three boys are under the age of twelve and we are desperate to share them with thier friends and teachers once again.

No matter how old your school age children are, there is one commonality.We are ready to begin a new school year no matter how much we will miss the summer.

To get them ready for school, we have desks and bookcases on the 5th floor of our Hanover showroom. We all want our kids to be successful students and no matter their individual scholastic strengths, organization and having a manicured workspace is key to their success.

Finding a desk that is the right height with good surface space is important to helping kids focus quickly and can keep them on task. Messy areas provide distractions for kids. So help them find a desk that allows them to spread out a bit. Proper bookcase storage is just as important to staying organized. Being able to locate books and materials quickly helps kids spend their energy on completing quality work not searching for their resource books. Staying organized and having a functional study area is as important to success in the classroom as having the right technology or a great  teacher.

It is time to get back to school. It is time to get organized. It is time to come check out the desks and bookcases at Furniture Consignment Gallery.









Topics: Antique Desk, consignment, school, college, boston, Used Furniture, Furniture Consignment Newton, Furniture, bookcase, Pottery Barn on Consignment, Pottery Barn, dorm, apartment, used