Furniture Spotlight by Furniture Consignment Gallery

Outdoor Furniture Set "Piece of the Week"

Posted by Jay Frucci on Fri, February 17, 2012 @ 09: 45 PM
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It may not seem to be the time of year to begin thinking about your pool patio deck, but time is flying! As the month of February has the feel of Spring in the air, maybe we'll be treated to an early and extended summer.

Outdoor furniture sets are a substantial investment if you choose to go with good quality and design. That is why, even thought we are still in the dead of winter, we made this great cast aluminum outdoor set our Piece of the Week.

Our logic is that it is hard to come by quality pre-owned outdoor furniture sets.

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Most of the sets that are offered to us have been well weathered and are not very appealing. Others are rusted, have mildew or have faded quite a bit. But this set is none of those things. It has been well cared for and has many pieces including a glider, swivvel rocker, coffee table, end table, three seat sofa, table with

four chairs two umbrellas and a chaise lounge.

If your patio set is in need of replacement, we would recommend checking this set out. It is a great value and you may need it sooner than we all think should the weather continue to stay ahead of its normal schedule.



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Topics: Furniture Consignment Boston, Furniture Consignment Hanover, Furniture Consignment Newton, Sofa, MA, Exclusive Furniture, Furniture quality, Furniture Consignment Gallery in Hanover, Pre-owned furniture, Furniture Consignment, Furniture Value, Furniture Style, Furniture Consignment Gallery Newton, Furniture Spotlight, Dining Room Set, Furniture Care, Table